The 4th Dimension

J esus told them that "destroy this temple and in 3 days I will rebuild it", the pharisees could NEVER have understood this statement simply because they weren't seeing from Jesus' perspective. Right from arts in our elementary school days, we learnt about 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional drawings, and I believe we know that naturally men see in three dimensions (length, width, height/depth). But today I'll like to reveal unto us the fourth dimension which is the dimension I believe every christian should operate in... In taking decisions, after seeing the HEIGHT of it, seeing the DEPTH, and the WIDTH, God expects us to see through the SPIRIT. The Spiritual dimension being the 4th dimension we are expected to operate in. We must all see from God's view before taking any step, and this can only happen when we've subjected our spirit to the things of God, then by doing this we can upgrade from being a 3-d person to a 4-d, and we can be sure our steps would...