
Showing posts from December, 2016

Praying or Talking?

Therefore I say unto you, whatsoever you desire, when you pray , believe that you receive them, and you shall have them. (Mark 11:24, emphasis added ) Ever wondered why on many occasions, we don’t experience what the above verse says? It kept me wondering, when we close our eyes in prayer, do we really pray or we just have a call-and-response session with the prayer leader, because many-a-times we are accustomed to the regular response of ‘Amen’ after a statement has been made, but this shouldn’t be.  How then do we differentiate prayer from a mere communication, Praying isn’t merely talking instead it should be a connection of hearts, an alignment of wills between the sender and the receiver, or better put communion . OK, the word communion has a Greek root which is Koinonia , and this can be translated into 7 English words; Presence, fellowship, sharing together, participation with, intimacy, friendship and communion. We see that praying is much more than...

The Substance of your Faith

Ever wondered why, at times, you ask for things from God with faith in your heart, and yet it seems like God doesn’t move to answer, or other times when you receive - with great enthusiasm and expectation - God’s promises and they don’t seem forthcoming. It makes you wonder, could the problem be from God? Definitely not! What about you at the receiving end? It seems to you that you have set yourself ready enough to receive God’s blessings… but I say that after believing God’s word in your heart, something else should be done… Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  -  Heb. 11:1 (emphasis added) Now note the word ‘substance’. Yes, we have faith in our heart, but scriptures tell us that the ‘proof of our faith’ should be a substance in our hands. Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. - James 2:17 So many Biblical illustrations can explain this. - Jesus Christ, our great example showed this in ...

'Gospel Song of the Year'

Good Day Friends trust you are doing good? Was just checking through the list of nominations during an awards ceremony recently, I came across this category that startled me a bit and somewhat made me laugh, ‘Gospel Song of the Year’. This though wasn’t my first time of seeing this, but it rather jumped out of the page this particular time. Then the question popped up in me that what exactly qualifies a song to win this award? Now, the Life of a Christian should be one of worship, and one way through which a man can be led into worship is through songs, it’s a tool given to man by God to serve as a channel leading us into worship and filling the thought of man with that of God. Knowing this, is it now that the recipient of the award is that song that leads men into worship faster or the one that gets us into a deeper realm of worship? I don’t just get it.  "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and ...