God's Love

To start off with, we talk about the very nature of God, Love, which according to 1 Corinthians 13:13 is greater than Hope and even Faith.
God initially made man to have fellowship with him but along the way man fell and the relationship got broken, but the love of God is ever sufficient and was around even when we were sinners, so in John 3:16 God sent Jesus to die for us. One thing we should learn now is that Gods love is always available for us no matter how a sinner we are because according to 1 Peter 3:9b, God wants no man to perish but for everyone to come to repentance, so because of this God will love us and 'keep an eye on us' even till the end.
But one thing we should always avoid is the misuse of God's love, how can we misuse it, you ask, Romans 6:1 answers it, when we live a reckless life hoping God's love is available, it can frustrate Gog's love on us, remember, just as the Spirit of God can be grieved, God's Love can also be grieved. So lets be careful the way we live.
Now, to enjoy the fullness of God's Love we have to be born again because there is a higher level of love a child experiences compared to that a stranger will experience.
So to be born again, Just believe in your heart that God loves you and that Jesus died for you then acknowledge that you are a sinner, confess your sins and accept Jesus as your LORD and SAVIOUR, then you are saved.
Now, please study the Word of God, and join a Bible believing Church, and have a spiritual head you can always talk to. Doing this you will grow in God and see the manifestation of a greater level of God's Love in you.
We shall talk more on Gods Love Next Time. Hope you have been blessed.


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