
Showing posts from December, 2015

The Perfect Christmas Gift

Christmas 2015 is here! Glory be to God. One very pronounced mark of Christmas is celebrations! Celebrations!! Celebrations!!! But I would love to say, much more than the celebration, Christmas is about 3 important things. To get these three things, lets look into the Bible. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16, emphasis added) Three things were highlighted in the above passage; love, giving, and salvation. These things should be our focus every Christmas. Adding them together, I can form a sentence that defines Christmas;  Christmas is a season of salvation, achieved through giving that is born out of love. Now, we have a word established, the next issue is putting it to practice. Recently, I came across this wonderful quote from Dr. Myles Munroe; “Love is not [just] in giving gifts, but in being a gift” That’s it! That best Christmas gift is Y...


Hello friends, trust you are doing good. Already we are in the Christmas season and safely, I can say that the ‘Christmas fever’ has caught us all. But briefly I’d like to share a short story with us, though a sad one but I believe we’ll get the message.  Its about a family who, after trusting God for a child for some time, finally got one and when the day of the naming ceremony came, I trust we know how colourful and ‘loaded’ it was going to be, the mother of the child was like the happiest person on earth that day moving from chair to chair, room to room, person to person, just greeting everyone who turned up, as the gust were arriving, she was welcoming them with a bright smile on her face and expressed total joy and happiness that day. the Father of the child also couldn’t hide his joy as he just felt like he was above the world at that time and was over-joyous. Then a guest arrived, who just went over to meet the mother of the child, asking to see the baby. so, the moth...

In Readiness to Recieve

In the book of Genesis 1:2-3, the Bible says “and the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of the Lord moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be light; and there was light” Now, the thought on it is this. This verses talks about the creation of the earth, but there was a problem or let me say problems. First, I believe we know that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5), and if God is light, could He have created a dark earth (vs. 2)? Definitely not! But due to a reason the earth became dark due to the fact that the devil had cast himself on earth (see Revelations 12).  Now the problems (1) The earth was without form and was void  (2) The earth was dark. From our Biblical knowledge, we know that even darkness is like light to God (Ps 139:12) so it is like the issue of darkness wasn’t actually a problem to God, so He had just the problem of the earth being formless to fix. But...

A Life Of Praise

Good day fellow believers, today's post is going to be on a life that praises God. "Praise is something we do when we don't know what to do" - Bishop David Abioye The Bible recorded of Paul and Silas that after they prayed and it was like God wasn't answering, they began to sing and then a miracle happened. When we pray, angels come down to minister unto us (Heb. 1:14), just like the case of Daniel (in Daniel 10), but whenever we praise, God himself attends to our praises because as the psalmist recorded, 'God inhabits the praises of His people'. Angels can operate in an atmosphere of prayer but an atmosphere if praises is God's dwelling place. So, safely we can say that a life that praises God is a life that carries God, and when we carry God on our inside, we experience great and mighty things. One thing is that praises is not all about songs, though its a part of it, but praise is a thing of the heart, a heart that constantly worship God. Then y...