The Perfect Christmas Gift

Christmas 2015 is here! Glory be to God. One very pronounced mark of Christmas is celebrations! Celebrations!! Celebrations!!! But I would love to say, much more than the celebration, Christmas is about 3 important things. To get these three things, lets look into the Bible. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16, emphasis added) Three things were highlighted in the above passage; love, giving, and salvation. These things should be our focus every Christmas. Adding them together, I can form a sentence that defines Christmas; Christmas is a season of salvation, achieved through giving that is born out of love. Now, we have a word established, the next issue is putting it to practice. Recently, I came across this wonderful quote from Dr. Myles Munroe; “Love is not [just] in giving gifts, but in being a gift” That’s it! That best Christmas gift is Y...