In Readiness to Recieve
In the book of Genesis 1:2-3, the Bible says “and the earth
was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the
Spirit of the Lord moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there
be light; and there was light”
Now, the thought on it is this. This verses talks about the
creation of the earth, but there was a problem or let me say problems. First, I
believe we know that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John
1:5), and if God is light, could He have created a dark earth (vs. 2)?
Definitely not! But due to a reason the earth became dark due to the fact that
the devil had cast himself on earth (see Revelations 12).
Now the problems (1)
The earth was without form and was void
(2) The earth was dark.
From our Biblical knowledge, we know that even darkness is
like light to God (Ps 139:12) so it is like the issue of darkness wasn’t
actually a problem to God, so He had just the problem of the earth being formless
to fix. But He eventually ended up fixing the Light problem first. Why would He
have to do that you ask…
Answer: Before God can work in a place, He has to cast His
very nature in that place, Light in this case.
God is all powerful, He can do all things in any situation,
but before he would work somewhere, that place has to be saturated with his
nature, for God cannot behold iniquity.
So it is with our lives, before God can work in us, His
nature has to reflect first in us. So whenever we want God to work in us, our
life must be prepared to receive His blessings. No wonder we ask sometimes and
we receive not; not because God is not listening or ready to give but just
because we are not ready to receive.
So next time when we ask from God, lets ensure that we are
ready to receive our answers so as not to make God look like an unfair God.
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